Convergence #8 (DC)


Rating: 4/5 – The DC Universe Changes Yet Again.
By ComicSpectrum senior reviewer Shawn Hoklas.

Now that Convergence is over, the DC Universe has changed yet again. Convergence started out as a line-wide event that allowed DC to move their offices from New York to California, essentially putting their entire New 52 Universe on hold and exploring different worlds and timelines from DC’s rich past. Although some of the tie-ins were entertaining and fun with creators we haven’t seen in quite a while, the main event felt as though it was a series created to fill time while DC made it’s move. Convergence lacked a lot of what made the tie-ins special. It focused on a small group of characters, most from the New 52 Earth 2 and didn’t bring or spotlight the rest of the DC universe. Fortunately though, the last two issues change that and although the ending we see here felt rushed and may be controversial for many DC fans, the outcome is something that I’ve been wanting to happen since the New 52 began.

As this final issue begins, we see dozens of heroes from across the DC Universe confronting Telos and Braniac on the Earth that has hosted the multiple captured cities. After a bit of confusing dialogue from time travelers Booster Gold and Waverider, we get an origin of this version of Braniac as he takes us through his history of exploration into the DC Universe and how he’s been part of all the DC events including Flashpoint, the original Crisis and even the recent Multiversity. Instead of this Braniac being the villain of the story, he becomes a catalyst for DC to alter their Universe once again which makes Convergence an event that surprisingly changes everything! Unfortunately this change comes in a final issue of a series that for the most part has been disappointing and one that many readers may have already given up on.

Writer Jeff King and Scott Lobdell cram a lot of history and change into this concluding chapter. Convergence number eight reads at a rapid pace as you take in the grand-scale ideas and history, while your eyes focus on the huge cast of characters sprinkled throughout. Four different artists and three additional inkers contribute to the story including Stephen Segovia, Ethan Van Sciver, Scott Hanna and more. The art works for the majority of this issue, but it starts stronger than it finishes.

The changes Convergence makes comes at the cost of essentially rewriting what is arguably one of DC’s most important, if not the most important event in their publishing history. I won’t go into spoiler territory here, but DC seems to have acknowledged their confusing publishing history, especially over the past ten years and in one way has made it even more confusing, while in another, has made it much simpler. Convergence number eight is a story that can be debated, discussed and dissected which is what an event should ultimately do to drive interest. It’s now up to each individual reader to see how they feel about the change, and where these changes will take us in the future.

Reviewed by: Shawn Hoklas
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