Uncanny Avengers #15 (Marvel)


Rating: 4/5 – An “event” like story in a solo series.

After the events of last issue I was expecting to see all the ramifications of those shocking events.  Although we didn’t get a lot of follow up on those, this issue was still strong.  Writer Rick Remender continues to tell a great story with some big action scenes that almost feels like an event, all packaged in this tight story.  The addition of artist Steve McNiven has been a great win for this book as his art showcases many of Marvel’s most popular characters.

Last issue was intense with quite a lot of deaths, (which I’ll refrain from spoiling) and it really felt like old school Marvel in the best way.  It had plenty of “deaths”, tons of cameos, and hinted at potential story lines for future payoffs.  This issue although still heavy on the action, puts the focus on Captain America and the Wasp.  It works for the continuation of the story, but it did feel less epic in scope.  The Apocalypse twins are still trying to take mutant kind away from earth in order to start their own sort of mutant utopia.  There’s lots of smaller action sequences that lead up to the big ending of this issue that makes you wonder just how these heroes will get out of the predicament that they’re in.  What makes this series so special and enjoyable is that Remender is tying things together from the earliest issues of this series.  Uncanny Avengers provides a lot of pay offs to the reader who have been following it from the beginning.

I really feel that McNiven was meant to do superhero comics.  Although he isn’t my favorite artist at times, he really shines on books like these as he has a way of making these heroes look and feel so, well, heroic.  Take the cover of this issue for example and you feel Captain America’s strength and determination.  His art has a precise feel to it and although at times the lack of detail in the backgrounds is noticeable, the main characters never feel that way.  He draws your eyes in on what he wants you to see and it works.

With the big Infinity and Battle of the Atom events that just ended, this series sometimes feels like it gets lost in everything else that’s happening in the Marvel Universe.  Ironically, this series feels epic almost each and every month.

Reviewed by: Shawn Hoklas – shawn@comicspectrum.com
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