Captain Marvel (2014) #1 (Marvel)


Rating: 4.5/5 – Carol Danvers is outta this world.
by guest reviewer Kevyn Knox.

To get everything out on the table right away, I need to begin this review of Captain Marvel #1, a comic written by Kelly Sue DeConnick, by saying that one of my favourite comic book writers working today is…drumroll please…one Kelly Sue DeConnick. Her work on Pretty Deadly at Image, Ghost at Dark Horse, and the most recent Captain Marvel title, is some of the best writing in the biz – and if the first issue of this new series is any indication, that streak is not ending anytime soon.

Back in 2012, DeConnick was handed the reigns of a new Captain Marvel title, and she ran with it, giving the long time character of Carol Danvers, a fresh new voice. DeConnick gave the former Ms. Marvel, a character that has had a varied ‘career’ as a Marvel Comics superhero, her own new title (promoted from Ms. to a full fledged Captain, and a full fledged Avenger), a brand new costume, and a new found popularity that more than rivals that of her male counterparts. The character became something of a role model for the ever-burgeoning female comic book crowd, but sadly sales were not as brave and bold as Carol herself, so the series ended. But never fear true believers, for the inevitable reboot is here.

This time Kelly Sue sends Carol into space. Well actually it’s Tony Stark who sends Carol into space, as an intergalactic Avenger-in-residence kind of thing. I’ve always been a sucker for space-themed comics, so I am looking forward to Carol’s adventures with The Guardians of the Galaxy and the like. Kelly Sue definitely has the writing chops to pull such a thing off, and this opening issue, though only giving a whisper of what is to come in the vast reaches of outer space (the opening off-planet salvo plays out as a fun Firefly-esque bon mot), seems like a good starting point.Hopefully it will all work out.

I’ve been a fan of Carol Danvers for a long time, but when the character was given over to  DeConnick, fandom went through the roof. Her 2012 series gave Danvers an ironically down-to-Earth persona – but still kept her usual kick-ass attitude intact. Now DeConnick is breathing yet more new life into the character with a new Captain Marvel #1. The art by David Lopez is solid enough as well, and Carol’s new costume looks great. Plus we get the added bonus of the disappearance of that ridiculous looking helmet thing the character has been wearing in recent issues of The Avengers. Seriously, what was up with that? All-in-all, with Kelly Sue behind the wheel, things should work out. Only time will tell of course, but this opening issue seems to be heading in a damn fine direction.

Reviewed by: Kevyn Knox

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