Gotham Academy #2 (DC Comics)



Rating: 4.5/5 – You’ll Definitely Want to Enroll in Gotham Academy.
by ComicSpectrum senior reviewer Shawn Hoklas.

There’s just so much to like about Gotham Academy. Whether it’s the in the “best way possible” all-ages writing by Becky Cloonan and Brenden Fletcher, the animated art by Karl Kerschl, or the perfectly chosen colors by Geyser, Gotham Academy delivers in all areas. It’s a book that doesn’t necessarily look like anything else coming out from DC Comics, but it still fits perfectly within the Bat-world. In this second issue, we start to learn more about the characters, especially main character Olive Silverlock and just what her mysterious origins may be.

Karl Kerschl has absolutely captured and defined the environment of Gotham Academy. The little touches he puts in throughout the book always add to the overall atmosphere. Whether it’s the small cobwebs that can be found in the corners of the library, the heavy use of natural elements like woods and stone that make up the buildings and furniture, or the creepy graveyard that’s on the Academy grounds, Kerschl puts as much into the surroundings as he does the characters. All these touches add to a world that looks so unique and different, yet so Gotham. And the colors absolutely set the mood. The colors in Gotham Academy are just as impactful as the art. The greens of the Academy’s lighting for example gives the school an almost eerie feel. The colors do so much to add to that atmosphere that permeates this all-new series.

In terms of story, although the action tends to be less than what it was in the first issue it dives deeper into the character exploration and provides a bit of the history that this school is known for, and tiny hints about what’s happened with Olive’s family. There’s even an appearance by a longtime Batman villain rarely seen in the comics (who had his origin in the 1966 TV series, out on disc for the first time this week) who I hope makes more appearances in future issues. Cloonan and Fletcher are creating something truly special with Gotham Academy and if you’re looking for something different than most of the other Bat-Family books out there, then this is it. It checks off the boxes on all the major parts that make up a great comic for me! Do yourself a favor and see why!

Reviewed by: Shawn Hoklas
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