Mystery Girl #1 (Dark Horse)


CREDIT: Dark Horse

Rating: 4/5 – A New ‘Girl Who Knows Things’
by ComicSpectrum EiC Bob Bretall

Shades of Layla Miller!  Paul Tobin gives us a new girl who “knows things” in Trine Hampstead, London’s premiere ‘sidewalk detective’ who never has to go out investigating to solve a case, she just knows all the answers.  Her sign declares “All Mysteries Revealed!  Everything solved (already)  No Questions Asked”…except instead of her not asking you questions, you cannot ask her HOW she knows all this stuff (though a few pages after declaring this she spills her origin story to a red-headed stripper, minus the specific details of how she actually got the powers which seem to be the only thing that’s a mystery to her)…

Despite the superficial similarities in power set, the comparison to X-Factor’s Layla Miller is kind of like comparing Superman and Hulk because they’re both strong.  Trine is MUCH more accomplished at knowing things and felt to me like a very distinct original character.  But an enigma.  Trine doesn’t want questions about her power, but tells the story, as much as she knows of it, to someone she just met.  She famously solves things never leaving her sidewalk, and quickly decides to travel to Siberia to help a scientist solve a mystery.  Necessary compromises, and Tobin knows it.  It would be pretty boring to read a comic just listening to Trine spout off declarations to people who come up to her wanting answers.  Get her out of this comfort zone because she wants to see the world and we have a story that’s going to get interesting really quick.

Paul Tobin sets up the premise in this debut issue.  He teases us with the adventure to come.  He introduces a mysterious agent of conflict that will pay off in upcoming issues.  Trine was immediately likable and I want to see where the story is going to go from here.  I’m on board, and you can be to when this comic hits the stands on Dec 2nd.  If this sounds interesting, ask your local comic shop to save a copy for you!

Reviewed by: Bob Bretall
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