The Power of the Dark Crystal #1 (BOOM!/Archaia)



Rating: 5/5 – The Long Awaited Dark Crystal Sequel is Finally Here.
by ComicSpectrum reviewer Adam Brunell

What a glorious moment being brought down memory lane. The Dark Crystal was an amazing movie of fantasy and adventure from 1982 directed by Frank Oz and Jim Henson.  The story took place in an unknown world that praised a crystal for its salvation. At one point the crystal was shattered and a fragment broke off, ripping its sacred but corrupt beings into two parts. While one half lived a life of wisdom and peace, the other became corrupt and turned the land into a nightmare ruled by an evil monarch. One day a hero came along named Jen who had been raised by the peaceful and wise beings that once were one part of the keepers of the land. Jen was from an extinct race and a prophecy came to say that Jen would make the Crystal whole once again.

Now let’s skip ahead a hundred years. This comic is the unmade sequel to The Dark Crystal outlined by Jim Henson, so devoted fans of the movie may want to jump on board. While the movie was never made, the story is now being told by Writer Simon Spurrier along with Artists Kelly and Nichole Matthews. Jen with his friend Kira brought peace to the land, they became the new leaders of the known world around them, and they established a government of their own based on peace and joy. But Jen and Kira must rest for long periods of time in order to stay healthy and living. While they sleep, a shadow of corruption has spread in their kingdom. A ritual to offer gifts to the crystal has started, but something is amiss over the horizon. A being not seen before has come to speak with Jen and Kira to request their help, but all this being is seeing is the negative side to this land. This new being seems to be an innocent, like Jen once was, and looking to save their own land from something similar to what Jen and Kira had fought a hundred years ago. The only issue is this stranger from another land believes the crystal will fix everything, but the crystal is already spoken for.

The Power of the Dark Crystal has started out to be a colorful and intriguing beginning to a possibly intense story. The art is vast and vibrant; the writing is so well done it’s as if I am back watching the first Dark Crystal movie being narrated by Joseph O’Conor. In the first issue we don’t get a lot of time with the original heroes, but there are appearances from other memorable characters from the movie.  This comic is the first issue of a twelve issue part story and is the sequel to the movie that devoted fans have been waiting for.  I’m excited and on board for this series!

Reviewed by: Adam Brunell
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1 Response to The Power of the Dark Crystal #1 (BOOM!/Archaia)

  1. I think I am going to have to re-watch the movie if I am going to read this – been too long.

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