Transformers: Windblade #1 (IDW)

Transformer Windblade1
CREDIT: IDW Publishing

Rating: 4/5 – The Dawn of a New Storyline in the Transformers Universe.
by ComicSpectrum Reviewer Shawn Hoklas.

I’ve tried a few times to get into the Transformers Universe and each time I do, it becomes a bit of a challenge with the amount of characters both new and old.  But it’s always a series I want to read, so I’m always interested when IDW has a jumping on point within the Transformers books, and that’s what “Dawn of the Autobots” and this first issue of Transformers: Windblade is. IDW has recently wrapped up their latest Transformers event so I thought I’d give this issue a try, and I’m so glad I did.

The first page of Windblade is a recap page that is pretty light in content so I was a bit worried that the same challenges I’ve had before would happen again, but to writer Mairghread Scott’s credit, I never felt lost. Although I didn’t know understand some of the ideas referenced, or know some of the characters involved, I was able to enjoy the story on its own as Scott tells the tale with Windblade front and center. It’s a great way to help new readers navigate this world as Windblade herself is a new character (she’s the first official fan created Transformer after Hasbro ran a fan-contest). Windblade is able to speak to the city size transformers known as Metrotitans, and in this issue she’s attempting to speak with Metroplex who’s been injured and is having all sorts of issues. There are also big changes in terms of long time Transformers and I’m now interested to see just how they got to the places that they did.

Artist Sarah Stone does a great job on this first issue. Her lines are thin and energetic and she leaves a lot of lines out, giving her work a clean and uncluttered look. Stone’s pencils feel as though you can still see her process since she chooses to leave some of the finer details out. What really makes her art stand out though is the colors. Stone chooses a bright color palette that makes the panels feel energetic, and makes you feel at times that you’re looking at a cartoon. She mixes up the colors during some of the action sequences that give those scenes some added weight. Windblade can at times look a bit too human, but it’s a small complaint compared to the overall work. Transformers: Windblade is a successful attempt at beginning a new storyline and bringing new readers in. I’m now even more excited to try the other two series in the main Transformers line to see if they’ll share in this issue’s same success.

Reviewed by: Shawn Hoklas
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