Red Wolf #1 (Marvel)


CREDIT: Marvel

Rating: 3/5 – Non-Memorable Debut, But Has Potential.
By ComicSpectrum senior reviewer Shawn Hoklas.

Red Wolf number one stars a relatively obscure character from the Marvel Universe and spins directly out of a Secret Wars tie-in book, 1872, that was not one of the top sellers (the 4th issue was 103rd in sales for Oct 2015). I read 1872 and I rather enjoyed it, but I may be in the minority. If you haven’t read 1872, this first issue is still accessible, but missing the backstory that shows just how Red Wolf came to be sheriff in the town of Timely.

Writer Nathan Edmondson tells a pretty straight forward tale that has the Native American hero maintaining order and tracking down a mysterious assailant after a murder occurs in town. Red Wolf’s supporting cast in this issue is made up solely of his mom, so it remains to be seen how much depth there will be when an extended cast is added, but the ending looks to have fixed that somewhat, allowing for plenty of future opportunities to include the greater Marvel Universe.

The art is the strongest part of this first issue. The pencils by Dalibor Talajic are clean, simple and effective. Red Wolf has a unique look to him and all of the characters look their age. The script doesn’t allow for too many “jaw dropping” moments, but Talajic still tells a cohesive and easy to follow story.

All in all, Red Wolf is a comic that didn’t disappoint me, but also didn’t really set itself apart from the crowd, it was mostly “just there”. It was a non-memorable first issue that I think may have problems hooking new readers, but I’m hoping it pulls in enough interest to stick around for a while.  I’m curious to learn about this character I have very little history with so it would be a shame for it to end too soon.

Reviewed by: Shawn Hoklas
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